There are so many factors when selling your mobile or manufactured home. Here are the most important ones to get you the most for your home. This information can be applied to real estate as well, and is also applicable if you are selling your mobile / manufactured home outside of San Diego.
First and foremost, price is the most important factor when selling your manufactured home.
Overpricing a home will result in being overlooked by many potentially interested buyers.
Underpricing may result in a buyer offering an even smaller amount than the home is worth.
A market analysis of your home will show what homes, that are similar to yours (year/condition), in your area have sold for. In manufactured home sales, this information is private; so, it is important to list with a company that has sold a lot of homes recently. We sell one every business day :).
After price, condition is the next most important factor when selling. Most buyers are looking to move as soon as they buy. Therefore, the move-in-ready homes will be sold first, and for more money.
This includes landscaping done and completed, closets and cabinets organized (buyers almost always open closed cabinets to see storage space). Note, hiring a professional cleaner is always recommended.
De-personalization is key. The collection of moose heads and pictures of family should all go into storage. You want a buyer to feel like your home has space for their family pictures and space for their belongings to go. The home should be cleaned of extra items (toothbrushes, dishes, toys, etc.). Consistent cleanliness is a large task, but is absolutely necessary while your home is on the market. 
If your home is available to be shown, it will be available to receive offers. The homes that sell the fastest are homes that have lockboxes on the front door. This allows agents to show at their leisure. Certain buyers are in a rush and have only a few days to make a decision to buy a home. 
The last factor when selling a home is exposure. It is important to choose an agent with local marketing knowledge. 
We advertise on Zillow,, Craigslist, Facebook Twitter, the San Diego Union Tribune (print & digital), MH Village, through local mailings, and targeted google ads. We also pay for key words through google that pertain to local markets interested in buying and selling mobile homes in San Diego. You should make sure your agent is doing the same. 
If you are ready to sell or buy your mobile/manufactured home, give us a call anytime: 619-596-0333
If you find yourself asking “Who sells the most mobile homes in San Diego”, “Who sells the most manufactured homes in San Diego”, and “How do get the most for my manufactured home”, we are your answer. Thank you for reading!