Mobile Homes for Sale in Alpine, CA

Mobile Home Communities in Alpine
Mobile Home Connection specializes in the sale of new and used manufactured and mobile home sales throughout the Alpine area and the rest of San Diego County.
Whether you’re selling your current property or looking for your ultimate dream home, Mobile Home Connection is the go-to resource for all your mobile and manufactured home needs right here in Alpine.
Contact us today to find out how we can help you or click the button below to explore the mobile home communities in Alpine.
About the Community of Alpine
Alpine is a small, historic community in the rural mountains of East San Diego County. Located just about half an hour from central San Diego, Alpine offers the quiet charm of a small-town neighborhood with all of the amenities of a larger community. With plenty of hiking trails, open spaces, and recreational activities nearby, Alpine is a popular choice for outdoor enthusiasts and families alike.
The area is home to several attractions that draw people from all over San Diego; including Viejas Casino & Resort, the Alpine Historical Society, Wright’s Field, Viejas Mountain Trail, and more. The main hub with the most attractions lies along Tavern Road, where you’ll find plenty of restaurants, small boutique shops, and antiques, as well as Alpine Creek Shopping Center. The area is also home to a few schools, including Joan MacQueen Middle School and Alpine Country Day School.

Serving the Alpine Mobile Home Market for Over 30 Years
Today’s manufactured homes offer the quality construction, modern amenities and livability you are seeking at a price that fits your lifestyle and your budget! Mobile Home Connection is proud to be your ultimate resource for any mobile and manufactured home needs in Alpine.
We are proud to have the most up-to-date listings of mobile homes for sale in Alpine and the rest of San Diego County!
Mobile Home Communities in Alpine
We are excited to share with you our understanding of the advantages this unique, quality, affordable lifestyle provides. Keeping up to date with the latest information on the mobile home scene in San Diego is our business and we are always happy to share with you!
Alpine Mobile Estates
2400 Alpine Boulevard,
Alpine, CA 91901
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Alpine Oaks Estates
3505 Alpine Boulevard,
Alpine, CA 91901
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Frequently Asked Questions
What should I look for when buying a Previously Owned mobile/manufactured home?
When buying a pre owned mobile/manufactured home, it is wise to hire a home inspector familiar with the codes for these homes. A seasoned, knowledgeable manufactured/mobile home inspector is worth their weight in gold! They will be able to advise you of any health and safety deficiencies. You will receive a report complete with photos.
This will give you a solid picture of the home's overall condition. With this knowledge you will have a better understanding of any work needing to be done immediately, in the near future or what to look out for down the road. Your agent will help you prepare a Request for Repair to ask the seller if they will participate in remedying any deficiencies.
What is the average cost of a mobile home?
The average cost of a mobile home can vary based on factors like location, size, age, and features. In Alpine, California, prices may range from $100,000 to $400,000. There are fees for the community in which the home is located and Escrow fees for the purchase.
Mobile Homes older than 1981 were originally sold In Lieu of Taxation or ILT. Some of these homes have been transferred to Local Property Tax. All Mobile Homes manufactured after 1981 are on Local Property Tax also known as LPT. In addition there is homeowners insurance in the event of a loss and also Home Warranties that can help with unexpected repairs.
What are the disadvantages of owning a mobile home in California?
Disadvantages of owning a mobile home in California include having to abide by the rules of the community. Every community/mobile home park has its own set of rules. Some communities do not allow fencing, paws on the pavement, alcohol in the clubhouse for social events, water running down the street, etc. It is best to stop in and visit with the manager ahead of making any commitment to purchase just to make sure the park/community rules are something you can live with. This is the time to ask to see a copy of a lease.
How often and how much will park fees increase? It is also helpful to look up the Civil Code for Mobile Homes. Better known as the Mobile Home Residency Law or MRL. California has some of the strictest rules for park owners. These rules were put in place to protect the homeowner/resident. This makes mobile/manufactured home ownership in California a sounder investment than many other states.
How do I transfer ownership of a mobile home?
The Department Of Housing is the government agency that oversees all mobile homes which are not affixed to a permanent foundation. Better known as HCD, Housing and Community Development.
Being a specialized industry, it is best to obtain help from a mobile home sales agent who specializes in the sales of Mobile Homes. They will be the best to guide you through this process with the help of an Escrow company/ Escrow officer that specializes in Mobile Home Transfers.
What is the process for buying a mobile home in California?
Once again, trust this important process to one who specializes in this industry. An agent familiar with the area in which you wish to live. That agent will be familiar with park management, rules, financing, home inspectors, lenders and appraisers who are also familiar with this industry.
What are the requirements for selling a mobile home in California?
Selling a mobile home in California can be as treacherous as selling any stick built home. An agent familiar with the community you live in will know best what the market value is and how to communicate to the park your intention to sell. It is best to get at least two opinions before you set the asking price.
Your park lease and the MRL states that a seller is to provide a Notice of Intent to Vacate/Sell to the park. The park will vet all prospective purchasers via an application process and background check. Prospective buyers should be brought to the park office as soon as a price is agreed upon and a purchase order is signed.
Your mobile homes sales agent will know best what you, the seller, are responsible for in the process so that there are no last minute unpleasant surprises.
Are there any taxes or fees associated with buying or selling a mobile home in California?
Yes, there are taxes and fees associated with buying or selling a mobile home in California. These may include sales taxes, property taxes, title transfer fees, and any applicable mobile home park fees.
What are the California regulations for mobile home parks and communities?
California has regulations that govern mobile home parks and communities. These are listed in the Civil Code which can be found online. The Civil code or MRL governs rules on rent control, eviction procedures, park closures, and tenant rights. These regulations aim to protect the rights of mobile home park residents.

Let us help you find your new or used mobile home in Alpine today!
Search our listings of mobile homes for sale or give us a call to talk to our team.