
The service I received from you personally was exemplary! You went way above and beyond! Without your calm demeanor, I don’t think what I’m about to describe below would have been handled so well by me.

The frustrating part was all the different entities involved and trying to figure out who’s on first. It may just be me. As recently as last week I received a second piece mail from 21st Mortgage indicating there was information missing to process my loan, which I was ultimately told to ignore. When a person is anxiously waiting for escrow to close, so they can line up home improvement contractors, pest exterminators, give a 30 day notice etc., this can be very upsetting.

The time it took for the processing was not only very frustrating, but costly for me, as I now have to pay another full month of rent when I will only be at my current residence few days of July. Money doesn’t come easily on a fixed income.

In closing, I will finish the way I started, and that is, Mike you made this home buying experience easier than what it could have been. I would highly recommend you!! Thank you very much and I look forward to seeing you in the park!


Peggy Schlenker