As a professional home inspector, I interact with agents on a daily basis and I must say it is refreshing to work with agents who are genuinely concerned with the complete satisfaction best interest of their client as opposed to just “making the deal”.
I have had the pleasure of working with several of the agents at Mobile Home Connection including Kari Clarke, Mike and Laura Barbusca, Helena Lopez, Jane Hill, Ann Wright and Leslie Starba and I have watched these professionals work closely with their client to make sure that the investment the home buyer is making is the perfect investment for them.
As I go through my inspection process I can’t help but overhear conversations between the agents and their clients and when I hear an agent take a personal interest in the client’s needs I know that agent has gone that “extra mile” to insure that client is getting exactly what he or she is looking for.
Each one of these agents takes the time to review my inspection reports with a fine tooth comb to make sure that each and every comment on the report is concise and accurate. They call me on the phone and question anything that might impact their buyer. Frankly, some other agents don’t even read the reports.
I strongly believe that this is not only a reflection of the professionalism and integrity of each and every one of these agents, but clearly a reflection of the overall integrity and business ethics of Mobile Home Connection.
-Dan Weinberg
Certified Home Inspections